A Little Bit Help from outer Space


Source: By Dbachmann, CC BY-SA 3.0,

IFLScience fragt: „How did Bronze Age civilizations manage to forge iron weapons before they had learned how to smelt iron ore?“ Die Antwort ist verblüffend: “ It turns out, they had a little bit of help from the cosmos, as many of the iron artifacts from this era appear to have an extraterrestrial origin.“ Der Original-Artikel „Bronze Age iron: Meteoritic or not? A chemical strategy.“

Hier das Resume:
• There has been a controversy about the origin of Bronze Age irons that could be either meteoritic or smelted irons.
• A geochemical approach using Fe:Co:Ni analyses, permits to differentiate terrestrial from extraterrestrial irons.
• Meteoritic irons, Bronze Age iron artifacts, ancient terrestrial irons and lateritic ores enable to validate this approach.
• Modern irons and iron ores are shown to exhibit a different relationship in a Fe:Co:Ni array.
• Iron from the Bronze Age are meteoritic, invalidating speculations about precocious smelting during the Bronze Age.



One Kommentar zu “A Little Bit Help from outer Space”

  1. ... der Trittbrettschreiber am Dezember 8th, 2017 7:44 am

    Die Arroganz „unserer“ Zeiten zeigt sich vorwiegend in der Verwunderung über die Fertigkeiten der bereits Verstorbenen.
    In der Bronzezeit ist viel Geschmeide hergestellt worden – schön und praktisch zugleich. Die Anordnung der Nieten verwundert – die konnten zählen!

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