Die Lage an allen Fronten


Militärische Front: KadyrowzyAsow 1:0 nach Verlängerung

Russia is withdrawing some elements of its forces around Kyiv into Belarus for likely redeployment to other axes of advance and did not conduct any offensive operations around the city in the past 24 hours, but Russian forces will likely continue to hold their forwardmost positions and shell Ukrainian forces and residential areas. I told you so.

– Energiefront: Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a decree that demands ‘unfriendly countries’ must pay for Russian gas in rubles.
The new law dictates that ‘unfriendly countries’ must open accounts in Russian banks and will come into force on April 1.
Current gas supply contracts will be stopped if buyers from ‘unfriendly countries’ do not meet new payment terms.

– Juristische Front: Staatsanwaltschaft erhebt Anklage gegen Gil Ofarim wegen falscher Verdächtigung und Verleumdung.

– Z(!)ensurfront: Zensur im freien Westen weitet sich aus. Autoritären Regimen gefällt das. Anderen auch. Bin mal gespannt, wann Links auf russische Websites verboten werden. Das kennen wir doch schon.

– Genderfront: Everyone who has a penis is a man. Na ja. Ich sage nur: Katheoy und Parinya Charoenphol.
