Cut the funding on the BDS!

Jungle World: „Der palästinensische Menschenrechtler Bassem Eid, der für seine kritische Haltung bekannt ist, liest Parlamentariern der EU die Leviten und erklärt, warum die BDS-Bewegung den Palästinensern weit mehr schadet als nützt. Er fordert Europa deshalb auf, seine Unterstützung für BDS umgehend zu beenden“:

This is one of the major problems in Europe, because if Europe tomorrow will cut the funding on the BDS, like Trump cut the funding on UNRWA, no BDS will exist in the coming six months.(…)

In my opinion, the majority of the Palestinians these days are people who are seeking dignity rather than identity. This is one of the most important issues, and dignity can be achieved only via economic prosperity. I used to teach my Palestinian colleagues in the refugee camps that homeland is not the place where you are born. Homeland is the place where you can get dignity, justice, and freedom. (…)

So Europe should have to help the Palestinians to put an end to the so-called BDS. It is much better for the parliaments in Europe to send the money directly to the Palestinians, rather than to give it to the BDS. The BDS is just using us. The BDS will never ever help us. The BDS will never ever want to achieve any kind of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The BDS wants to destroy Israel, and, as a Palestinian, I don’t have time for that.