Chess is gloriously rebellious


Der Guardian hat einen ganz entzückenden Artikel über Schach mit ebensolchen Zitaten über das königliche Spiel:

The real attraction of chess is that the board is a simulacrum of life, where intense battles can be fought with no casualties, where the rules and objectives are clear, where neat geometric certainties replace messy realities. (…)

Raymond Chandler called the game: “The most elaborate waste of human intelligence outside of an advertising agency.” (…)

Perhaps this is what the mufti really fears: chess players are natural rebels who have rejected the workaday world and all its totems.

Das Foto zeigt eine Stellung aus der Partie zwischen Wilhelm Steinitz und dem Berliner Curt von Bardeleben, Hastings 1895. Schachfreunde wissen, was jetzt kommt.