

Mein Avatar steht im Hintergrund und verhandelt mit den „Amazonen“ von Gor, genannt „Panther“, über den Tausch einiger Waren. Dazu gibt es ein Zitat:

Panthergirls are the fabled panther girls of many of the Gorean forests, such bands being comprised of wildwomen of the forest, former Gor FreeWomen, and runaway female slaves, who have fled from male Gorean society and taken up residence amidst the primitive camps of the dark forbidding hidden unexplored woodlands. Many sightings have occurred; however; some still consider it a myth. These panther girls are strong, physically and mentally, and fierce fighters when encountered.

Their weapons of choice are slim spears, short bows, and hunting knives, along with poisoned darts and needles. They survive by trading with the inhabitants of certain secret settlements for difficult to obtain supplies. The Panthergirls also survive by hunting and trapping game in the wild. They may also use natural forest pheromones to lure specialized prey, a pleasant perfume that sedates as well as attracts.

Some of their traps are designed for netting small as well as larger game, including males who wander into their territories, who they enslave and barter for goods. They are free-women. Rumor consistently surface that many Gor Masters and Gorean FreeWomen in Gorean Settlements have secret dealings with these panthergirl camps, procuring their slaves, by trading goods for them.

These panthergirls are an independent breed and are cautious about accepting newcomers to their ranks. All males who seek them out and are found in their territory are either killed, captured by them, or sold as slaves, in trade for civilized foodstuffs and items of equipment they need..

Mein Avatar wurde übrigens weder gekillt noch versklavt, aber er ist ja auch bis an die virtuellen Zähne bewaffnet und hat auch einen gewissen Ruf, der ihm vorauseilt. (Das Treffen hat hier stattgefunden.)

Dazu lesen wir gemeinsam den „Alphaville Herald„: A Gorean Feminist’s Guide to Second Life Gor.