Die Erlkönigin, revisited

He made my day: Mein Telepolis-Artikel vom 09.06.2002 – „Die Erlkönigin“ – ist jetzt ins Englische übersetzt und kommentiert worden: „Der Erlkönig„. „In the German language essay “Die Erlkönigin” by Burkhard Schröder the case is made that this stories probably originated in ancient Greece and Mesopotamia and that through migrations of peoples those tales came with them and transformed. This is a very intriguing idea to me because I’m very interested in the migrations of peoples around the world and the traditions they spread. (…) I think the research Schröder did was very interesting. I was previously familiar with the story of Lilith, but that people have been able to trace her story all over the world is just fantastic and I would like to do further research into this.“ Yeah. Good work.