Internet-Zensur verletzt die Menschenrechte

Wired: „U.N. Report Declares Internet Access a Human Right“

„The report railed against France and the United Kingdom, which have passed laws to remove accused copyright scofflaws from the internet. It also protested blocking internet access to quell political unrest.“

While blocking and filtering measures deny users access to specific content on the Internet, states have also taken measures to cut off access to the Internet entirely. The Special Rapporteur considers cutting off users from internet access, regardless of the justification provided, including on the grounds of violating intellectual property rights law, to be disproportionate and thus a violation of article 19, paragraph 3, of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Damit dürfte auch die Internet-Zensur in Nordrhein-Westfalen gegen die Internationale Konvention der Menschenrechte verstoßen. Das werden deutsche Medien sich aber nicht trauen zu schreiben.