// // Script for changing the Music link on your land by clicking a sign or other object. // Written by Second Life resident DangerDave Writer on March 17 and 18, 2007. // Free to use, modify, and share - enjoy! // // Scan full circle around area every 5 seconds for 10 meters out: // // How far away do want to scan for approaching avatars? float scan_meters = 10.0; // How many seconds inbetween scans? float scan_seconds = 5.0; // Peripheral vision: how far to the left and right do we scan? float Two_PI = 6.283185306; float scan_radius = Two_PI; // PI times 2 = full circle, PI = half circle. // Basic text to display above sign: string sign_text = "Touch me to change the station."; // Here is the list of channels available (from http://www.sky.fm Internet Radio). // First line is the URL of the music (or other streaming audio) // Second line is the description to be displayed on the sign. // Finally, a blank line to make it easer to read and change. list channel_list = [ "", "New Age", "", "Progressive House", "", "Classical & Flamenco Guitar", "", "Classical", "", "Chillout - ambient psy chillout", "", "House - silky sexy house music", "", "Lounge - sit back and enjoy the lounge grooves", "", "Radio Panamericana, Peru", "", "Jade's Jazz Club", "", "Salsa", "", "Arabic", "", "UK Blues", "", "Rock", "", "Ballroom 1", "", "Ballroom 2", "http:", "Off", 0 // Mark end of list ]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // The programming starts here. Do not modify below here unless you know what you are doing. // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// integer radio_station = 0; integer num_radio_stations = 0; string nearby = ""; string music_type = ""; string playing_text = ""; // playing_text = "Now Playing Station " + (string)(1 + radio_station) + " " + music_type; string current_text = ""; string last_touched_by = ""; string date_selected = ""; string time_selected = ""; list channel_type = []; list channel_URL = []; integer init_stations() { integer radio_station_max_index = -1; integer i = 0; integer entry_type = 0; string temp_text = ""; channel_type = []; channel_URL = []; llSetText("Scanning Stations...", <1,1,1>, 1.0); // radio_station = (integer)(llFrand(1.0) * 4.0); for( i = 0; i < llGetListLength( channel_list ); i++ ) { if ( llGetListEntryType( channel_list, i ) == TYPE_STRING ) { radio_station_max_index = i; if( llGetSubString( llList2String( channel_list, i ), 0, 4 ) == "http:" ) { if ( llStringLength( temp_text ) > 0 ) { channel_type += temp_text; } temp_text = ""; channel_URL += llList2String( channel_list, i ); num_radio_stations++; } else { if( llStringLength( temp_text ) > 0 ) { temp_text = temp_text + "\n"; } temp_text = temp_text + llList2String( channel_list, i ); } } } if ( llStringLength( temp_text ) > 0 ) channel_type += temp_text; if( radio_station >= num_radio_stations ) radio_station = 0; if( radio_station < 0 ) radio_station = 0; music_type = llList2String( channel_type, radio_station ); if( llGetSubString( llList2String( channel_URL, radio_station ), 0, 6 ) == "http://" ) llSetParcelMusicURL( llList2String( channel_URL, radio_station ) ); else llSetParcelMusicURL( "" ); return num_radio_stations; } string set_playing_text() { playing_text = "Now Playing Station " + (string)(1 + radio_station) + " " + music_type; if ( llStringLength( last_touched_by ) > 0 ) playing_text += "\nSelected by " + last_touched_by; if ( llStringLength (date_selected) > 0 ) playing_text += " on " + date_selected; if ( llStringLength (time_selected) > 0 ) playing_text += " at " + time_selected; return playing_text; } string now_as_hhmmss() { integer t = 0; integer hours = 0; integer minutes = 0; integer seconds = 0; string time_now = ""; t = (integer)llGetWallclock(); // seconds since midnight // one hour has 3600 seconds hours = t / 3600; // get hours (integer division chops off the decimals) // the modulo operator % gets the remainder of a divison // in this case, the remaining seconds after removing the full hours minutes = (t % 3600) / 60; // divide by 60 because we want minutes, chops off decimals again seconds = t % 60; // get the seconds that didn't fit into full minutes time_now = ""; if ( hours < 12 ) time_now += "0"; time_now += (string)hours; time_now += ":"; if ( minutes < 10 ) time_now += "0"; time_now += (string)minutes; time_now += ":"; if ( seconds < 10 ) time_now += "0"; time_now += (string)seconds; return time_now; } default { state_entry() { init_stations(); llSetText(sign_text, <1,1,1>, 1.0); llSensorRepeat( "", NULL_KEY, AGENT, scan_meters, scan_radius, scan_seconds ); } sensor(integer num_detected) { integer i = 0; string visitors = "visitors"; nearby = ""; for(i = 0; i < num_detected; ++i) { if ( i > 0 ) nearby = nearby + ","; nearby = nearby + " " + llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)); } if ( num_detected == 1 ) visitors = "visitor"; else visitors = "visitors"; set_playing_text(); current_text = (string)num_detected + " " + visitors + " detected. Welcome" + nearby + "!\n" + sign_text + "\n" + playing_text; llSetText(current_text, <1,1,1>, 1.0); } touch_start(integer num_detected) { integer i = 0; vector avatar_size = <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>; float meters_tall = 0.0; integer inches_tall = 0; integer feet_tall = 0; integer inches_left = 0; string feet = "feet"; string inches = "inches"; string height = ""; llSetText( "Stations = " + (string)num_radio_stations, <1,1,1>, 1.0 ); if ( num_radio_stations == 0 ) init_stations(); radio_station = radio_station + 1; if( radio_station >= num_radio_stations ) radio_station = 0; music_type = llList2String( channel_type, radio_station ); if( llGetSubString( llList2String( channel_URL, radio_station ), 0, 6 ) == "http://" ) llSetParcelMusicURL( llList2String( channel_URL, radio_station ) ); else llSetParcelMusicURL( "" ); date_selected = llGetDate(); time_selected = now_as_hhmmss(); // // // for(i = 0; i < num_detected; ++i) { avatar_size = llGetAgentSize(llDetectedKey(i)); meters_tall = avatar_size.z; inches_tall = (integer)(0.5 + meters_tall * 39.3700787); feet_tall = (integer)(inches_tall / 12.0); inches_left = (integer)(inches_tall - (feet_tall * 12.0)); // llWhisper(0, "Size is " + (string)llGetAgentSize(llDetectedKey(i))); if( feet_tall == 1) feet = "foot"; else feet = "feet"; if ( inches_left == 1 ) inches = "inch"; else inches = "inches"; height = ""; if ( feet_tall > 0 ) { height = (string)feet_tall + " " + feet; if ( inches_left > 0 ) height = height + ", "; } if ( inches_left > 0 ) { height = height + (string)inches_left + " " + inches; } last_touched_by = llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)); // llEmail( "youremail@yourdomain.com", "Visitor Alert", llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)) + " has changed your radio station." ); // llWhisper(0, llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(i)) + ", you are " + height + " tall."); } set_playing_text(); current_text = sign_text + " " + playing_text; llSetText( current_text, <1,1,1>, 1.0); } }