Real-time traffic intelligence

The Huffington Post über Internet-Zensur und Überwachungstechnik in Ägypten (via Fefe):

„The companies that profit from sales of this technology need to be held to a higher standard. One in particular is an American firm, Narus of Sunnyvale, Calif., which has sold Telecom Egypt ‚real-time traffic intelligence‘ equipment.

Narus, now owned by Boeing, was founded in 1997 by Israeli security experts to create and sell mass surveillance systems for governments and large corporate clients.

The company is best known for creating NarusInsight, a supercomputer system which is allegedly used by the National Security Agency and other entities to perform mass surveillance and monitoring of public and corporate Internet communications in real time.

Narus provides Egypt Telecom with Deep Packet Inspection equipment (DPI), a content-filtering technology that allows network managers to inspect, track and target content from users of the Internet and mobile phones, as it passes through routers on the information superhighway.“

Das nenne ich Online-Journalismus und Quellenehrlichkeit – dazu sind unsere so genannten Leitmedien nicht in der Lage.

Man sieht auf’s Schönste, zu welcher Mischpoke die Leute gehören, die Internet-Filter, Vorratsdatenspeicherung und Online-Überwachung fordern – oder gar einen Reset-Knopf: Die würden auch in jeder Diktatur Karriere machen (wollen).



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